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Dean Brox Consulting provides underground design and construction services for Civil, Hydropower, Mining, and Other projects. This page presents a brief description of some current and recently completed underground design and construction projects. Please refer to the additional menus for Civil, Hydropower, Mining, and Oil and Gas projects.
Panel of Experts for 38 km, 5 m diameter water transfer tunnel and 164 m high concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD) in non-durable basalt bedrock.

Phase 1A of the project water designed and constructed in the late 1980's and early 1990's and comprised the 180 double curvature arch Katse Dam, the 45 km transfer tunnel and the 37 km delivery tunnel. Phase 1B of the project comprised the 32 km Mohale transfer tunnel and 6 km Matsoku transfer tunnel that was constructed in the early 2000's.

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Technical advisor for underground works comprising 10 km headrace  tunnel and powerhouse cavern.

Pacific Hydro Chile is developing the 110 MW Nido de Aguilas hydropower project sited in the upper reaches of the Cachapoal River located 100 km south of Santiago. The project includes a 10 km headrace tunnel, underground powerhouse cavern, and intake structure at the Pejerreyes Lagoon. Services include technical review and evaluation of project design layout, geotechnical investigations including exploration gallery and/or long horizontal drillholes with in situ testing, detailed engineering, project risks and contract strategy and documentation. 


Technical advisory services during construction of a 12 km, 4.5 m diameter TBM excavated headrace tunnel through challenging geological conditions.  


Endesa/ENEL Chile is developing this 150 MW hydropower project comprising a 12 km, 4.5 m diameter hydropower tunnel along with an underground powerhouse cavern and pressure shaft.

Services include an independent risk assessment for the use of the proposed double shield TBM through major geological fault zones, TBM factory inspection of TBM assembly and TBM design review, technical discussions with tunnel contractor regarding risk reduction methods, and site visit during early construction to evaluate encountered geological conditions to date. Ongoing services include risk evaluations and mitigation strategies during construction.

In situ stress testing and specialist advisory services for underground works comprising 70 km of tunnels and 2 powerhouse caverns.

AES Chile is developing this 531 MW hydropower project comprising 70 km of tunnels including three long and deep tunnels of lengths 13, 14, and 15 km. Services include in situ stress testing using CSIRO overcoring at multiple locations during the early stages of excavation of the access tunnels into the underground powerhouse caverns, specialist advisory services relating to the evaluation of overstressing along the long deep tunnels.


Design and construction of 1.8 km, 6 m wide drill and blast tunnel and large portals.


The Innergex Renewable Energy is developing this hydropower project comprising a 1.8 km, 6 m wide by 5.5 m high hydropower tunnel for power generation of 40 MW under an operating head of 30 m. Services include final design of the intake and outlet portals, the main power tunnel, concrete plug and rock trap components, length of steel lining, and field review services during construction. All services performed under a design-build project delivery in conjunction with the tunnel constructor joint venture CRT-EBC.

Geotechnical investigations for 14 kms of tunnels.


Technical advisory services were provided to Pacific Hydro Chile for a major geotechnical investigation program for the proposed Los Arandanos Hydropower Project located south of Santiago. This new project is to replace the existing ​Coya 1 operating Plant and includes 14 kms of tunnels, 2 surface intakes along the Pangal and Cachapoal Rivers, siphon, control pond, and a surface powerhouse with an installed capcity of 76 MW. The geotechnical program comprised the drilling of 33 boreholes (3360 m) using diamond and sonic drilling methods, in situ permeability, hydro-jacking and hydro-fracturing testing, standard and specialized laboratory rock testing, and test pits.

Extreme convergence of weak rock at 5000 feet below surface.


Goldcorp Red Lake Gold Mine is developing the 6 km High Speed Tram (HST) Tunnel to provide access to a new potential mining area underground. The HST was excavated to a width of 14 ft (4.3 m) and a height of 16 feet (4.9 m) through  2000 feet (610 m) of the well recognized talc-schist rock type known throughout northern Ontario as a problematic rock unit for underground mining. Standard rock support was installed during the original excavation that resulted in extreme convergence of the tunnel walls extending to as much as 2 feet for a strain level of about 30%. Extensive closure and mutliple point borehole extensometer instrumentation was installed and monitored to evaluate ongoing deformation. Additional tunnel support comprising higher capacity and longer rock reinforcement was introduced concurrently with excavation to reduce movement. Trials of different forms of rock reinforcement were introduced and evaluated to select the permanent support for the HST for rail track installation and future traming operations. 

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Dean has an undergraduate degree in Geological Engineering from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada (1985) and a Masters Degree in Engineering Rock Mechanics with Distinction from Imperial College, University of London, England (1990). Dean is a registered Professional Engineer with the Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, and the Association of Professional Engineers of the Yukon.


Dean started his career in the underground deep-level gold mining industry in South Africa learning and dealing with highly stressed ground and the daily occurrences of rockbursting. Dean also lived and worked for extended periods in Hong Kong and Switzerland involved with the design and construction of a variety of large and deep underground excavations associated with major transportation projects.


Dean was involved on such world famous underground projects including the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, the Hong Kong Airport Core Projects, and the Gotthard Base Rail Tunnel.


Dean regularly attends and presents at industry conferences including the International Tunneling Association (ITA) World Tunnel Congress, Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC), North American Tunneling (NAT), Tunneling Association of Canada (TAC), and the British Tunneling Society (BTS). Recent presentations, lectures, and seminars have included:



  • ITA Training Seminar on Risk Management Practice for Underground Projects, Chilean Tunneling Association, Santiago, 2017

  • ITA Training Seminar on Contract and Risk Management Practice, Nepal Tunneling Association Conference, Kathmandu, 2016.

  • Cutting Edge Conference, New York - Groundwater Control in Tunneling, Highly Acidic Groundwater Challenges at the World's Highest Tunnel, Pascua Lama Mine Project, Chile/Argentina, 2014. 

  • British Tunneling Society (BTS) Conference, London - Design and Construction Challenges at the World's Highest Tunnel, Pascua Lama Mine Project, Chile/Argentina, 2014. 

  • ITA World Tunnel Congress, Iguassu Falls, Brazil – Training Session Lecturer – Lessons Learned from the Design, Construction and Operation of Hydropower Tunnels. 2014

  • Clean Energy BC – Conference Presenter – Innovation in Hydropower Design, Water Conveyances - Tunnels and Shafts, 2013

  • UBC Geological Engineering Course – Guest Lecturer, 2013 and Past

  • Tunneling Association of Canada – Conference Presenter 1998-2012

  • Swiss-Canadian Chamber of Commerce Presentation, Construction of the 57 km Gotthard Base Rail Tunnel in Switzerland and Tunneling in British Columbia, 2011.

  • George Fox Tunnel Conference – Presenter, New York, 2011

  • BC Institute of Technology (BCIT) – Construction Management Course – Guest Lecturer

  • Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC) – Presenter (2003-2011)

  • North American Tunneling (NAT) Conference – Presenter (2004-2010)


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