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The following technical publications are available upon request:


BROX, D. and Grandori, R. 2023. Pre-Cast Tunnel Linings for Hydropower Tunnels: Advantages and Successes, World Tunnel Congress, Athens Greece. Submitted abstract for acceptance.

BROX, D., Dendup. T., and Namgyal, D. 2023. Correlation of ROV Observations with Actual Damage in the Tala Headrace Tunnel, World Tunnel Congress, Athens, Greece. Submitted abstract for acceptance.

BROX, D. 2022. Design, Construction and Performance of the Tunnels of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project over the Past 25 Years, International Journal of Hydropower & Dams, Issue 3 – Africa Focus.

BROX, D. 2022. Hydropower Tunnel Collapse – Risks and Causes – Update, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM), South African Committee on Tunnels (SANCOT) Symposium, Capetown, South Africa.

BROX, D. 2021. Race to Repair, The importance of inspections and maintenance for hydroelectric tunnels, Tunnels and Tunneling, April Issue.

BROX, D. 2022. Lessons Learned for TBM Tunneling in the Georgian Bay Formation, World Tunnel Congress, Copenhagen.

BROX, D. 2022. Melamchi Water Supply Tunnel Phase 1: Design and Construction Challenges, World Tunnel Congress, Copenhagen.

BROX, D. 2020. Complex Engineering Challenge, The importance of inspections and maintenance for hydroelectric tunnels, Waterpower Magazine, December Issue.

BROX, D. 2020. Hydropower Tunnel Inspections – Recommendations for Good Industry Practice. Hydropower & Dams Journal, Issue 5.

BROX, D. 2020. TBM Risk Assessment and Selection for Hydropower Tunnels, World Tunnel Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

BROX, D. 2019. Overstress Prediction and Challenges in Deep TBM Tunnels, Tunnel boring Machines in difficult Grounds, TBM DIGs, 4th International Conference, Golden, Colorado, USA

BROX, D. 2019. Hydropower Tunnel Collapses - Risks and Causes, World Tunnel Congress, Naples, Italy.

BROX. D., MERINO, P., VILLAROEL, R., RAIMONDO, G., ZANETTO, G., PROIA, G., and ANTONINI, F. 2018. EPB TBM Tunneling in Extreme Conditions, World Tunnel Congress, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

BROX, D. 2018. A Simplified Quantitative Risk Assessment for the Insurability of Tunnels, World Tunnel Congress, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

BROX, D.R. 2017. Risk Reduction Requirements for Underground Hydropower Projects, World Tunnel Conference, Bergen, Norway.

BROX, D.R. 2016. Design, Construction and Operation of Unlined Pressure Tunnels: Lessons Learned from International Projects, Nepal Tunneling Conference, Kathmandu.

BROX, D.R. 2016. Design and Functional Requirements for Rock Traps for Hydropower Pressure Tunnels, International Journal of Hydropower and Dams.


BROX, D.R. 2014. Highly Acidic Groundwater Challenges at the World's Highest Tunnel, Pascua Lama Mine Project, Chile/Argentina, Presentation at the 3rd Annual Cutting Edge Conference, Groundwater Control for Tunneling, New York. SME/Tunneling Journal.


BROX, D.R. 2014. Design and Construction Challenges at the World's Highest Tunnel, Pascua Lama Mine Project, Chile/Argentina, Presentation at the British Tunneling Society (BTS) Conference, London.


BROX, D.R. 2014. Lessons Learned from the Design, Construction and Operation of Hydropower Tunnels, International Tunneling Association (ITA) World Tunnel Congress (WTC) 2014 - Iguassu Falls, Brazil - Committee on Education and Training - ITACeT.


BROX, D.R. y PIAGGIO, G. 2013. Consideraciones Técnicas para Máquinas TBM en Proyectos Mineros. Revista Construcción Minera, Santiago, Chile.


BROX, D.R., Technical Considerations for the Application of Tunnel Boring Machines for Mining Projects. Society of Mining Engineers (SME) Transactions 2013 Publication.


BROX, D.R., Evaluation of Overstressing of Deep Hard Rock Tunnels, World Tunnel Congress 2013, Geneva, Switzerland.


BROX, D.R., Evaluation of Overstressing of Deep, Hard Rock TBM Excavated Tunnels in British Columbia. Tunneling Association of Canada (TAC) Conference 2012, Montreal, Quebec.


BROX, D.R., Design, Construction and Operation of Unlined Pressure Tunnels: Suggestions for Good Industry Practice. RETC 2011, June 2011, San Francisco, USA.


BROX, D.R, CHAMY, L, CHARALAMBU, H., PEARCE, H., PIAGGIO, G., REVUELTA, J., CABANAS, A., PERIERA, J., BLONDELL, J., DIEZ, R., ESSEX, R., POWELL, D., PROCTER, P., WARREN, S. Planning and Design for the New Mine Level Access Tunnels at El Teniente, Chile. International Tunneling Association (ITA) World Tunnel Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 2010.


BROX, D.R. Tunnels as Environmentally Acceptable Solutions for Infrastructure in BC, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC Innovation Magazine, August 2009.


BROX, D.R., CARDOZA, R., VENTURINI, G. Technical Considerations for TBM Tunneling in the Andes, RETC 2009, June 2009, Las Vegas, USA.


MOALLI, S., REDMOND, S. BROX, D.R., PROCTER, JEZEK, D. TBM Tunneling at the Ashlu Creek Hydroelectric Project. 20th Tunneling of Association of Canada Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario. 2008.


BROX, D.R., PROCTER, P., STETHEM, C., JONES, A. Large Avalanche Protection Canopies for a Mine Access Tunnel – Galore Mine Project. Snow Engineering, Whistler, 2008.


BROX, D.R., PROCTER, P., FROST, L., VENNE, C. and LEPINAY, D. Tunneling Under Glaciers – Galore Creek Mine Access Tunnel – Construction Update. NAT 2008 San Francisco


BROX, D.R., PROCTER, P. and MORRISON, J. Tunneling Under Glaciers – Galore Creek Mine Access Tunnel. RETC 2007 Toronto


BROX, D.R., BEAN, S., BRANCO, P., and COULTER, T. Planning for Canada’s First Bored Road Tunnel in over 40 Years, Kicking Horse Canyon Project, BC Tunneling Association of Canada 19th National Conference, Vancouver, BC 2006.


BROX, D.R., GENSCHEL, C., MESSNER, J., MORRISON, T., and SALTIS, A. Shotcrete Support for the Seymour Shaft and Shaft base Chamber, Seymour Capilano Twin Tunnels Project, Whistler, BC, Canada. Shotcrete for Underground Support Conference 2006.


BROX, D.R., PRINGLE, J., PHELPS, D., PROCTER, P. MORRISON, T., and SALTIS, A. The Seymour Capilano Twin Tunnels, Vancouver, BC, Canada. RETC 2005 Seattle.


BROX, D.R., PROCTER, P., PRINGLE, J., GARROD, B., MORRISON, T., SALTIS, A. The Seymour Capilano Twin Tunnels, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 18th Tunneling Association of Canada Conference, Edmonton. 2004.


BROX, D.R., NEWCOMEN, H.W. Utilizing Strain Criteria to Predict High wall Stability Performance. 2004 SME Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA.


BROX, D.R., NEWCOMEN, H.W. Utilizing Strain Criteria to Predict High Wall Stability Performance. 10th ISRM Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2003.


BROX, D.R., and LEVELL, J. (2001), “Stability Analyses and Performance of High wall Steepening in Weak Rock”, SME - Society of Mining Engineers – 2001 Conference, Denver, Colorado.


BROX, D.R., and LEVELL, J. (2000), “Back Analyses and Stability Prediction of High wall Steepening in Weak Rock”, 4th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, PACIFIC ROCKS – Rock Around the Rim, Seattle, Washington, USA.


BROX, D.R., and HAGEDORN, H. (1998), “Extreme Deformation and Damage during the Construction of Large Tunnels”, IAEG 8th Congress / 15th Canadian Tunneling Conference, Vancouver, Canada. Also published in Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 1999.


BROX, D.R., (1997), “First TBM Tunnel for the Greek Railways”, Tunnels and Tunneling, July 1997.


BROX, D.R., and HAGEDORN, H. (1996), “Prediction of In Situ Stresses Based on Observations and Back Analyses, Piora-Mulde Exploratory Tunnel, Gotthard Base Tunnel”, EUROCK 1996, Turin, Italy.


BROX, D.R., and LEE, K.W. (1995), “Yielding and Collapse of Large Span Tunnels in Weak Rock”, 8th Congress of International Society of Rock Mechanics, Tokyo.


BROX, D.R, (1992). “The Investigation and Design of Rock Caverns in Hong Kong”, Institute for International Research Seminar on Learning the Lessons from Tunnels and Tunneling, Hong Kong, 1992.


KONIETZKY, H., RUMMEL, F., and BROX, D.R. (1992). “Stress Field Estimation in Hong Kong Using the Method of Hydraulic Fracturing”. EUROCK ‘92, Chester, England.


BROX, D.R., KONIETZKY, H., and RUMMEL, F. (1992). “In Situ Stress Measurements Using Hydraulic Fracturing in Jointed Rock in Hong Kong”, 6th Australia-New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Christchurch, New Zealand.


BROX, D.R. (1992). “A Reliability-Based Approach for the Assessment of Stability and Support Requirements in Jointed Rock Excavations”, 6th Australia-New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Christchurch, New Zealand.




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Dean has an undergraduate degree in Geological Engineering from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada (1985) and a Masters Degree in Engineering Rock Mechanics with Distinction from Imperial College, University of London, England (1990). Dean is a registered Professional Engineer with the Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, and the Association of Professional Engineers of the Yukon.


Dean started his career in the underground deep-level gold mining industry in South Africa learning and dealing with highly stressed ground and the daily occurrences of rockbursting. Dean also lived and worked for extended periods in Hong Kong and Switzerland involved with the design and construction of a variety of large and deep underground excavations associated with major transportation projects.


Dean was involved on such world famous underground projects including the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, the Hong Kong Airport Core Projects, and the Gotthard Base Rail Tunnel.


Dean regularly attends and presents at industry conferences including the International Tunneling Association (ITA) World Tunnel Congress, Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC), North American Tunneling (NAT), Tunneling Association of Canada (TAC), and the British Tunneling Society (BTS). Recent presentations, lectures, and seminars have included:



  • ITA Training Seminar on Risk Management Practice for Underground Projects, Chilean Tunneling Association, Santiago, 2017

  • ITA Training Seminar on Contract and Risk Management Practice, Nepal Tunneling Association Conference, Kathmandu, 2016.

  • Cutting Edge Conference, New York - Groundwater Control in Tunneling, Highly Acidic Groundwater Challenges at the World's Highest Tunnel, Pascua Lama Mine Project, Chile/Argentina, 2014. 

  • British Tunneling Society (BTS) Conference, London - Design and Construction Challenges at the World's Highest Tunnel, Pascua Lama Mine Project, Chile/Argentina, 2014. 

  • ITA World Tunnel Congress, Iguassu Falls, Brazil – Training Session Lecturer – Lessons Learned from the Design, Construction and Operation of Hydropower Tunnels. 2014

  • Clean Energy BC – Conference Presenter – Innovation in Hydropower Design, Water Conveyances - Tunnels and Shafts, 2013

  • UBC Geological Engineering Course – Guest Lecturer, 2013 and Past

  • Tunneling Association of Canada – Conference Presenter 1998-2012

  • Swiss-Canadian Chamber of Commerce Presentation, Construction of the 57 km Gotthard Base Rail Tunnel in Switzerland and Tunneling in British Columbia, 2011.

  • George Fox Tunnel Conference – Presenter, New York, 2011

  • BC Institute of Technology (BCIT) – Construction Management Course – Guest Lecturer

  • Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC) – Presenter (2003-2011)

  • North American Tunneling (NAT) Conference – Presenter (2004-2010)


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